Sunday, July 6, 2008

My Project...

Ok, so since I am technologically challenged, I was unable to get my podcast on here. So, here is how my project connects with what I've learned in this class as well as University objectives.

For this class, we learned about sustainable living. The Gulf Coast Humane Society, by taking in these abused or stray animals, help create a balanced living between humans and other animals. I took a tour of the facility, and while I think it's a great organized place, I wish that they had enough money to expand. For the animal's sake. However, in order to expand, I'm not quite sure where they would put the animals. Luckily, GCHS does not euthanize animals. If they do not have enough space, they have to turn animals away. That can be both a positive and negative thing.

Communication, provided problem-solving abilities, ethical responsibility, making community aware of our involvement, and experienced personal growth and development. These are the objectives we accomplished. We had great communication throughout and were able to be on the same page the whole way through. Since a lot of people were not too keen on helping us out, we had to use a lot of problem-solving abilities. We could have had better advertising, but all in all, we made people aware of what we were doing. Also, since we worked really well together, we grew together and individually. We really put ourselves out there and made a difference.

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