Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Walk Around the Block...

I went home to Tampa this past weekend. My parents were both in Jersey, so I had to stay with my sister. She has two puppies, and I watched them while she went to work. I took the dogs out many times during both the day and night. Since my sister was having a fence put up, I was able to observe a lot.

The grass was green and taller in some places than others. I saw lots of ants, beetle-looking bugs, and even a lime green frog. The cows behind her home mooed loudly during the day, and the Sandhill Cranes whooped at night. Since my sister lives waaaaay back in the neighborhood, driving to get there provided a lot of observation opportunity. there was grassy fields and people walking. More than once I passed a group of children riding bikes and playing football in the street on my way to her house.

1 comment:

Sarah Davis said...

Any wildlife? Is this the kind of neighborhood where you would like to live when you are done with school? Any sustainable features? recycling?